Facts on allergy shots
In the U.S., more than 60 million people suffer from allergies and asthma. Many people who have allergies rely on allergy shots to help them to minimize their symptoms. The shots contain extracts of the allergens that cause the allergic reactions so that the sufferers’ immune system can become less reactive to them. Allergy shots offer an important way for people to get through allergy season with fewer problems. However, the U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention has proposed regulations that would place limitations on the ability of allergists to mix the allergen extracts for their patients. If these regulations are enacted, many people who have allergies would not be able to get the shots on which they rely to help to manage their allergic conditions.
Allergy shots save lives
According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, 10 people die every day in the U.S. from asthma. Immunotherapy with allergy shots can help to change the disease course and allow people to be more productive and to improve the quality of their lives. Allergy shots have been given to asthma and allergy sufferers for many years, and allergists have safely mixed the allergen extracts and customized the shots for millions of people. Allergic asthma can be life-threatening, and it is important for people who have this condition to be able to continue having access to the shots.
Explaining allergy shots
Allergy shots contain compounds of allergen extracts that are carefully mixed by allergists according to the individual patient’s specific allergic condition. Tiny amounts of the compounds are administered to the patient through the skin. Getting allergy shots is not invasive, and there is no reason to place limitations on the ability of patients to have access to them.
What would be the effect of the proposed rules?
If the proposed rules are enacted, it will likely make it very difficult for allergists to be able to offer allergy shots to their patients on a timely basis. Medical insurance also may not cover the cost of the shots, and they may not be available for most people. If they are still available, the costs of the shots will likely substantially increase. This might lead to a reduction in work productivity for adult allergy sufferers and impact the ability to learn for children. The unavailability of allergy shots may also lead to a higher mortality rate for people who suffer from allergic asthma.
Millions of Americans rely on allergy shots to help to improve their immune response to allergens. This helps them to experience fewer symptoms so that they can enjoy a better life quality. Keeping the ability of allergists to mix allergy shots that are tailored to their individual patients is vital. If these rules are enacted, people who suffer from allergies and asthma may be unable to get the shots that they need to manage their conditions.