10 School Planning Tips When Your Child Has Food Allergies

10 School Planning Tips When Your Child Has Food Allergies

If your child has allergies to certain foods, you should take steps to ensure his or her safety when he or she is at school. Making certain that your child stays safe requires planning. You need to work with your child’s school to provide the proper support throughout each day. Here are 10 steps for […]

Allergic to Soy? Avoid These Hidden Sources

Allergic to Soy? Avoid These Hidden Sources

What is ubiquitous and rhymes with toy? A highly common allergen goes by the name of soy. Think beyond tofu and soymilk, this frontrunner among food allergens lurks in far more than you might realize. Not Just for Kids Though most soy allergies begin in infancy and are often outgrown, some may continue into adulthood. […]

Food Allergies: A Costly Misdiagnosis

Food Allergies: A Costly Misdiagnosis

Food allergies are a serious matter that can result in a life-threatening situation if not handled properly. However, a misdiagnosed food allergy, especially in children, can result in an unnecessary stigma, isolation and even a paralyzing fear. Furthermore, from a nutritional standpoint, avoidance of foods thought to be allergens can translate into a lack of […]

Allergic to Nuts? Avoid These Hidden Sources

Allergic to Nuts? Avoid These Hidden Sources

Though increasingly common, nut allergies are among the most severe forms of food allergies. Whether you or a family member is allergic to nuts, the fear of accidentally ingesting a trigger food can be paralyzing. Anaphylaxis ranges from mildly irritating to outright fatal. It is critical that you become well versed in reading and comprehending […]