Food Allergies: A Costly Misdiagnosis

Food Allergies: A Costly Misdiagnosis

Food allergies are a serious matter that can result in a life-threatening situation if not handled properly. However, a misdiagnosed food allergy, especially in children, can result in an unnecessary stigma, isolation and even a paralyzing fear. Furthermore, from a nutritional standpoint, avoidance of foods thought to be allergens can translate into a lack of […]

Allergic to Nuts? Avoid These Hidden Sources

Allergic to Nuts? Avoid These Hidden Sources

Though increasingly common, nut allergies are among the most severe forms of food allergies. Whether you or a family member is allergic to nuts, the fear of accidentally ingesting a trigger food can be paralyzing. Anaphylaxis ranges from mildly irritating to outright fatal. It is critical that you become well versed in reading and comprehending […]

Need to Know Back to School Tips for Parents of Kids with Asthma and Allergies

Need to Know Back to School Tips for Parents of Kids with Asthma and Allergies

The beginning of the school year is an exciting time filled with so many new possibilities. At the same time, for a parent whose child suffers from asthma or allergies, this type of change and transition can be quite stressful, and at times, downright scary. You know how to care for you child and manage […]

Always read labels.

Always read labels.

Be a Label Reader With summer beach bodies on the brain and fall lunchboxes just around the corner, everyone is searching for fat-blasting, nutrient-dense snacks. But be warned, foods are not always as wonderful as they seem. With food companies vying for consumer loyalties, claims touted on the package may not match up with what […]

Dust mite allergen encasings for your bedding to the rescue!

Dust mite allergen encasings for your bedding to the rescue!

Dust mites are everywhere! Anywhere there are people or animals, warm temperatures, and high humidity. These microscopic creatures especially favor your bedding. The tests revealed high levels of ‘living’ contamination on the outside of the pillows. Allergy sufferers should opt for synthetic pillows over feather ones and fit them with anti-allergen covers. Dust mite covers […]

What are the Oddest Allergies of the Summer?

What are the Oddest Allergies of the Summer?

Summer means splashing in the pool, late nights on the porch and the sweetness of a juicy watermelon. But for many North Americans, summer also signifies the onset of a new allergy season with offenders that are a little off the beaten path of typical allergens. Sweets that Sting The juiciness of fruits, such as […]

Out Goes the Bad Air, In Comes the Good

Out Goes the Bad Air, In Comes the Good

Allergies occur when environmental triggers cause an allergic reaction within the body. While allergies may not always be preventable, there are certainly steps that can be taken to limit exposure to allergens. Environmental allergies can be due to either indoor or outdoor stimulants. Indoor allergens commonly include dust mites, mold, or pet dander. Outdoor allergens […]

What is Sublingual Immunotherapy (SLIT)?

What is Sublingual Immunotherapy (SLIT)?

Sublingual Immunotherapy, commonly referred to as SLIT, is an innovative form of allergy treatment that offers an easy and effective alternative to traditional allergy shots. How Does SLIT Work? Allergies must first be diagnosed through allergy testing. Once your specific allergens are identified, precise dosages are prepared for you to ingest sublingually. SLIT is accomplished […]